Cause everyone need alibi...

Friday, March 13, 2009

Internet? So funny

Internet...the place that the world watching you...

Nowadays, it looks like becoming a primary needs for 'all' the people in the world. How could we said not?...everytime and everywhere, every people around us always talking about their 'semi-pseudo world'. was really hard to believe. How could every people begin to make their 'semi-pseudo social interaction' at the internet. This thing was not debatable if the internet become a media for social interaction between those who lives in a long distances. But, in fact??? no...absolutely no...

It was really funny to see people talking or making their social interaction at the internet with their friends who was meet directly with them everyweek, or even everyday. The funniest thing was when they meet in their real life and talking what they chat or done each other in the internet. Isn't it funny?

I thought internet was made, so we could know what happen in the entire world, but use just to know what happen with our neighbour...

1 comment:

  1. hmmm...
    kurasa, internet adalah perpanjangan tangan dari sebuah walkman..

    walkman was the first gadget in the world that gave you a "private" place for your own.

    when u use walkman, no one would bother you. even though you're bothered, you could just pretend that you dont hear them.

    internet, justru muncul sbg akibat dari wabah kesepian yg melanda dunia ini.
    dimana individualisme menjadi trend yg berhasil melawan sikap SKSD yg dulunya menjadi pemicu munculnya walkman.

    hampir setiap detik seseorang mengepos kan kegiatan dirinya pada publik. seakan kita ini artis atau seleb yg slalu diperhatikan.

    tp sudahlah, setidaknya internet dan Hp berhasil membuat kita "anti mati gaya"...

    ya nggak?
